
* * UPGRADE * *

  • Inclusive Design of 'Away from Home' Toilets

Bichard, Jo-Anne and Hanson, Julienne, 2009, Book Section, Inclusive Design of 'Away from Home' Toilets In: Cooper, Rachel, Evans, Graeme and Boyko, Christopher, (eds.) Designing Sustainable Cities. Wiley-Blackwell, West Sussex, UK, pp. 86-108. ISBN 978-1-405-17915-7

Abstract or Description:

This book chapter was the culmination of Bichard’s work for the EPSRC-funded VivaCity2020 research consortium (http://www.vivacity2020.co.uk, 2003-2008). The edited book focused on design for sustainability of the 24-hour city from the multidisciplinary perspective of the VivaCity2020 project (physical and social sciences, engineering and design). Considering key issues of sustainability and quality of life, it highlights innovative decision- making in urban planning and environmental design.
Bichard and Hanson’s (UCL) chapter presents inclusive design research undertaken by Bichard for the project on sustainable city toilet provision, and includes a design guidance review and results from an audit tool applied to 101 cubicles around England. The audit found that no cubicle had fully followed design recommendations. Interviews with 250 people identified challenges to toilet access within the city and informed the design of 42 ‘personas’ as ‘decision-making tools’ for architects, designers and planners. Design templates for the layout of cubicles for a range of abilities, including the need for an adult changing bench, were also presented.
Bichard’s work on the VivaCity2020 project also included a design guide, The Accessible Toilet Resource (1147 Downloads from 18 countries), a further book chapter, ‘Designing accessible technology’, four journal articles (for Senses & Society and Access by Design, the journal of the Centre of Accessible Environments), six conference papers, two conference posters and two book reviews (for Social & Cultural Geography and Gender, Place & Culture). Bichard received funding for further work as co-investigator on Tackling Ageing Continence through Theory, Tools & Technology (TACT3) funded by the cross-Council ‘New Dynamics of Ageing Programme’ (£1.3m, 2008–12), and as principal investigator of Robust Accessible Toilets (RATs), funded by the cross-Research Council Connected Communities Programme (£12,000, 2011). In addition, she was guest editor of a special issue of The Design Journal on inclusive design (2013).

Official URL: http://bookshop.blackwell.co.uk/jsp/id/Urban_Susta...
Subjects: Architecture > K400 Planning (Urban > K440 Urban studies
Creative Arts and Design > W200 Design studies > W250 Interior Design
School or Centre: Research Centres > Helen Hamlyn Centre for Design
Copyright Holders: Wiley-Blackwell
Date Deposited: 09 Mar 2011 14:34
Last Modified: 09 Nov 2018 15:43
URI: https://rca-9.eprints-hosting.org/id/eprint/348
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