
* * UPGRADE * *

  • Vibration Isolation Mount

Dyson Technology Limted, 2014, Patent, Vibration Isolation Mount 1308089.0.

Corporate Creators: DYSON TECHNOLOGY LTD
Abstract or Description:

A vibration isolation mount 5 for a compressor, the mount being formed of an elastomeric material and comprising a sleeve 60, a plurality tapered studs or axial ribs 62 spaced around the sleeve, and a lip seal 61 extending around the sleeve. The mount is intended to be located between a compressor and a housing. The studs or ribs then deform to isolate the housing from radial vibration of the compressor, and the lip seal creates an annular seal between the housing and the compressor. Preferably the lip seal is more compliant radially than the studs or ribs.

Official URL: https://worldwide.espacenet.com/publicationDetails...
Subjects: Other > Engineering > H300 Mechanical Engineering
School or Centre: School of Design
Identification Number or DOI: 1308089.0
Uncontrolled Keywords: Dyson; Patent; Industry
Date Deposited: 06 Dec 2017 18:57
Last Modified: 27 Apr 2023 10:56
URI: https://rca-9.eprints-hosting.org/id/eprint/2975
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